Deep Patel: Override Windows AutoLock on Computers

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Override Windows AutoLock on Computers

Many of us face Autolock on computers. This wscript will keep on executing and will override the Windows Autolock.

'Purpose : Workaround for autolock policy.

'Memory Usage: 6700K(as per Windows Task Manager)

'Steps to Execute: Double click the vbs file everytime you don't want the autolock to rule over.

Option Explicit

Dim wshShell

'Open shell

Set wshShell= CreateObject("WScript.Shell")

Do While true

wshShell.SendKeys "{SCROLLLOCK}" 'SCROLL LOCK is the least used key...!!

wshShell.SendKeys "{SCROLLLOCK}"

WScript.sleep 30000



msgbox "Done..."


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